
omniTel® is forsa's daily omnibus survey in Germany. Except for weekends and holidays, experienced interviewers survey 1.000 representatively selected individuals nationwide. To meet these demands, forsa operates offices with telephone studios in Berlin and Dortmund.

All German speaking individuals, aged 14 years and older, living in private households equipped with a telephone, are eligible to be surveyed.

An accumulation of results across several survey waves is possible. forsa also offers interviews with partial groups (e.g. the head of household, primary breadwinner, women, teenagers etc.) If questions are commissioned before 2 p.m., the survey can be conducted in the very same day.

Results are available at lunchtime the following day, i.e. 24 hours after the survey has been commissioned (including brief commentary and tabular data documentation).


forsa.omninet is a completely offline recruited panel. It allows speedy and cost effective research while offering the possibility to present visual stimuli. Thus, a truely representative population sample can be combined with the presentation of visual stimulus material.
During the poll the respondents are comfortably seated within their own environment. They answer the questions on their PC or on their TV screen which is linked by a set-top-box to forsa.

forsa.omninet currently consists of 10.000 representatively selected households in Germany.

forsa.omninet offers a whole range of advantages:

  • Representativity thanks to an elaborate offline recriutment procedure
  • Participants determine when they want to answer the questionnaire. This increases their motivation.
  • Sequential questioning.
  • Use of visulal stimuli (e.g. scales, logos, pictures)
  • Presentation of pictures
  • No interviewer effects
  • Participants do not need to be internet users